Object-oriented programming with C++(程序设计II)

Undergraduate course, Sun Yat-sen University, School of Geospatial Engineering and Science, 2021

Introduction to the Course

Programming II is a compulsory course required for the major of Remote Sensing Science and Technology. The objective of this course is to enable students to master the basic methods of C++ programming. Based on the C language taught in Programming I, this course develops students’ object-oriented programming ideas and gives them a deep understanding and appreciation of the characteristics of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism in object-oriented programming. In software engineering, students are introduced to the basic concepts of code reuse, teamwork and version control. In terms of thinking, students will develop an engineering mindset and understand the process of problem identification to problem solving in engineering and understand the importance and significance of collaborative team programming. Through case studies, students will understand the importance of independent intellectual property rights in software. In terms of technology, students will master an object-oriented programming language and the way of thinking, rules and basic methods of object-oriented design, and understand the development trend of object-oriented programming technology. In terms of application, students will develop their sense of innovation and creativity, and will be equipped with the comprehensive quality and ability to design and develop small and medium-sized applications, which will lay the foundation for subsequent courses and professional practice.


思想方面,让学生形成工科思维模式,明白工科发现问题到解决问题的流程;了解团队协作编程开发的重要性及意义。通过案例让学生了解软件自主知识产权的重要性。 技术方面,掌握一种面向对象程序设计语言和面向对象设计的思维方式、规则与基本方法,了解面向对象程序设计技术的发展趋势。



Some of the slides PDF are available below (all in Chinese).

  1. 版本控制与团队协作编程
  2. 程序设计方法的发展
  3. Cpp基本特性
  4. 类与对象


  • The slides have been created by Shuhang Zhang and Dr. Tongwen Li.
  • If you are a teacher and need a PowerPoint version, please contact me via email.
  • Part of the slides is collected from the public information on the Internet, if there are any infringement, please contact me via email.